Dr.Upinder Dhar
Dr. Upinder Dhar, Director of the Institute of Management, Nirma University of Science & Technology, Ahmedabad, has been in the profession for the last three decades. Known for his institution building ability, he has conducted a large number of management and faculty development programs for the executives of major business houses and faculty members of technical and non-technical institutions respectively in the country and abroad. Besides undertaking consultancy assignments, he has authored/co-authored more than 400 publications. Being an eminent scholar in human behaviour, eighteen scholars have been awarded Ph.D. degree under his supervision by various Universities so far. In recognition of his contributions, Dr. Dharwas awarded National Fellowship by the Indian Society for Training and Development in 2002-03. He has been on the Panel of Reviewers of number of journals, such as International Journal of Training and Development, AIMS International Journal of Management, and South Asian Journal of Management. He has been on the Panel of Subject Experts maintained by the National Board of Accreditation, AICTE; Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi; and South Asian Quality System. Currently, he is Chairman - Programmes Committee and Member-National Council, ISTD; Member-CAAT; and President - Anthropological and Behavioural Science Section of the Indian Science Congress Association.