
Prof. Anand Sharma

Prof. Anand Sharma has studied M.Sc.(Maths) at Meerut College, Meerut, done his Mechanical Engineering from Osmania University, Hyderabad and obtained Masters degree in Industrial Engineering from IIT, Delhi. He has wide teaching experience, as a lecturer and later Professor (Machanical) at CME, Pune. He is presently the Director of International School of Productivity Management at New Delhi and is also visiting faculty to a number of management institutes in Delhi, teaching Quantitative Techni-ques, Production Management and Project Management. He has long practical experience in the area of Project Management within and outside the country, in which Capacity, Planning, Resources Management and effective control has been the main focus to achieve targets on time. He has authored many papers for National and International seminars and is on the panel of the AIMA conducting all India SINET programme (Direct Telecast Class Room Programme). He is also the member of the professional bodies like IIIE, IIMM and ISHRAE.