Ravinder A.
Mr. A. Ravinder with an academic background in Food Technology and Biotechnology has a teaching experience of eleven years in Food Technology. He is a member of board of Studies for Food Technology courses at various universities in Andhra Pradesh. He is an expert in designing the course curriculum at various colleges and universities as well. He is also well experienced person in establishing Food Labs and Pilot Plants for academic purposes. Attending various seminars, publishing papers in various journals and publishing books, a wide experience in the field of Food Technology can be credited to his account. He also has hands-on-experience in operating various equipments such as milling, baking, and confectionery machines. His keen interest and immense knowledge in the field of Process Engineering, Beverages and Fermentation Technology have driven him to author this compact Hand Book which throws lighten on the chemistry, production, processing of fermented foods. It also includes the nutritional aspects and the modern trends in fermentation and beverage technology. Email: [email protected]