The Abstracts of Life – a vision
Since long, my inner voice was always pressing me to write something different away from my legal pursuit for awakening
The Barefoot Brigade
A nation which is consistent force of life, vibrant, incredible beautiful, extraordinarily spiritual, extremely colourful, covering all shades, hue, tones
The Darker Side of Farmers Wives
The are few studies which try to focus on gender aspects related to suicide committed farmers families. These studies have
The Essentials A Must Guide to Achieve Success
“The Essentials” is a book that aims to reveal the often-overlooked secrets crucial for achieving true success, both professionally and
The Rascal’s Life : I
Is Management Education a passport to king-size life? Does a B school tag really take your life on a rollercoaster
The Silver Sparrow and Other Poems
This book is a collection of poems that gently dips into expressions of Romance, Nature, Death, Divinity, Life and Love
The Zest of Claire Norman
Claire is a free-spirited young girl who just moved to Brook banks. She meets Jacob, a boy with a sense
Udaan Chah Ki
‘उड़ान चाह की’ मानव हृदय में उठते हुए कोमल भावनाओं, उसकी कल्पनाओं की उड़ान का एक संकलन है। कविताओं के
Violence, Subversion and Recovery: Women Writers from the Sub-continent and Around
The problematic of reading women in the context of violence is very complicated. Studying violence or theorising violence might be
VOYAGE (An anthology of poems)
Life is a great voyage from birth to death. Everyone gets unique experience. Sailing is not always too rough or
Yes, I Got the Podium!
This book is about developing and deploying a winning strategy for personal achievement. It is an Action Plan for creating
योगकुंज Yogkunj (The Encyclopedia of Yoga)
भारतीय विश्वविद्यालयों एवं महाविद्यालयों में असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर एवं जूनियर रिसर्च फेलोशिप के उम्मीदवारों की योग्यता की जांच के लिए विश्वविद्यालय