A Textbook of Medicinal Chemistry Vol-I (Sem 4, B.Pharm)


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Medicinal Chemistry is a tough subject for beginners. Through observation as a teacher of the subject, we have seen that students find the subject tough to grasp initially as there are very few books that provide the fundamental knowledge, and as a result, develop a needless fear psychosis due to the presence of chemical structures. The problem is of concern as there are indeed limited books that strive to simplify the subject in a free flow manner for beginners. Each chemical structure has its own story to tell, and when taught in a simplified manner, the structures of most of the compounds can be deduced from the compound name itself.

This book is an attempt to relook the subject from a different angle and familiarize the students with the various drug classifications, synthesis and SARs in a uniform and orderly fashion so that they can see the relation that structures have with each other instead of observing them as randomized entities. Through this book, the students will be able to see important ring structure systems which comprise different structures and make them easy to learn and interpret. Moreover, they will understand how reactions mainly occur and how SARs impact the activity of the compounds.

It is our sincere belief that this book will guide the students to an effective way of learning Medicinal Chemistry and dispel the fear that surrounds the subject. It is also an intricate attempt to focus on important structural elements and MCQs which are required for various entrance exams like GPAT and NIPER.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
2. Structural Systems Commonly Observed in Medicinal Agents
3. Physicochemical Properties in Relation to Biological Action
4. Drug Metabolism
5. Drugs Acting on the Autonomic Nervous System
6. Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous System
7. Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Multiple Choice Questions
Drug Index


Year of publication







444 (In Grams)

Library Dollar Price




Book Code

Students Dollar Price



Chandrajit Dohutia,

Kabita Gogoi,

Satyendra Deka


Himalaya pub