The objective of the course is to enhance the computer skills and provide an understanding of computer technology.The related matter had been written in a simple and lucid style with suitable diagrams which can be easily understandable to the students.
The first unit covers computer networks and internet concepts, where a student can get knowledge about data communications, communication modes, communication channels, network topologies, protocols, and network security issues and methods.
The second unit covers algorithms, flowcharts, programming languages and types of languages, and also includes Excel worksheet features which are very useful to a student after completing the real time environment.We had also given important essay questions, fill in the blanks and MCQs for each unit and also given MS Excel worksheet 2016 shortcuts at the end of the book.
Contents –
1. Computer Networks and Internet Concepts
2. Introduction to Programming Concepts and Spreadsheets Using Excel
MS-Excel 2016 Shortcuts.