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Advertising Design (Sem 6, Mumbai Univ)


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Welcome to the world of advertising design! In today’s competitive business environment, effective advertising design is crucial for building brand recognition, increasing sales, and staying ahead of the competition. The times changed and so did approach, content, format and language of advertising.

This book is designed to provide undergraduate students with a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of advertising design. All chapters of traditional advertisement have been revised and updated with latest technology. We will explore the various elements of design, including typography, color theory, composition, and layout, and how they can be used to create effective advertising strategies and campaigns.

Throughout the book, we will also examine the role of advertising design in the broader context of marketing, and the importance of understanding consumer behavior and market research in creating successful campaigns. Additionally, we will discuss emerging trends and technologies in advertising design, such as digital advertising and social media.

Whether you are studying commerce, management, communication, journalism, media, advertising, graphic design, marketing, or a related field, this book will provide you with a solid foundation in advertising design principles and practices. This book will help amateurs, aspirants and professionals. We will examine real-world examples of successful advertising campaigns, giving you the opportunity to apply your learning to practical scenarios.


Contents –

1. Introduction : Advertising Design and Communication Design
2. Design Basics : Language of Visuals
3. Layout : The Blue Print
4. Planning a Campaign : Working on Final Product
5. Execution of System Work


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price




Year of publication






Amruta Pawar,

Paresh Pandya


Himalaya pub