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Basic Electronics


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The second edition of this book incorporates the comments and suggestions of my friends and students who have critically studied the first edition.

In this edition the changes and additions have been made and subject matter has been rearranged at some places. The chapters on Laplace Transforms and Filters are the new ones to make the circuit analysis par complete. The Digital Electronics has been introduced at the hons-course of under-graduate Physics / Electronics. Therefore a more stress has been given to this modern subject of electronics. The Operational Amplifiers have been virtually rewritten. The topics such as Karnaugh mapping, Logic families, Flip-flops, Shift registers, Counters, ADC, DAC, IC-timer, Semiconductor memories have been included in the chapter on Digital Circuits. A large number of new exercises have been added at the end of each chapter. All the previous diagrams have been retraced with the computer.

Contents :

Introduction to Electronics
1. Linear Circuit Analysis
2. Alternating Current Circuits
3. Laplace Transformation
4. Network Analysis and Network Theorms
5. Filters
6. Themionic Tubes
7. Semiconductor Devices
8. Rectifiers and Other Diode Circuits
9. Transistor Amplifiers
10. Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators
11. Electronic Communication Systems
12. Pulse and Switching Circuits
13. Operational Amplifiers
14. Number Systems and Logic Gates
15. Digital Circuits
16. Electronic Instruements and Devices
Appendix A


Year of publication







834 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. D.C. Tayal,

Vimla Tayal


Himalaya pub