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Basics of Marketing


SKU: PCM0138 Category:

More and More students in MBA Institutes are found to preferring books written by Indian authors over foreign authors, the reason behind this is very simple.

  1. They find the language more simpler than the foreign authors.
  2. The matter is mostly Point-wise and syllabus-oriented, the students can by-heart it and reproduce in the answer sheets.
  3. The books are normally printed in bolder types, are handy and the number of pages per chapter are few.
  4. Generally Written by faculties and so the questions are generally based on these books only.

So far so good but what are the drawbacks? The drawbacks are not known to the students and most of the faculty members who are mostly academicians without any worthwhile industry experience.This lead to a situation where the faculties and the students give importance and spend more time in discussing inconsequential issues which are not at all important while working in the industry; the students fare badly in the written tests conducted by major industries (as a recruitment procedure) and are unable to explain simple issues in personal interviews.

It is a common complaint of all the recruiters that the students are not readily employable (even persons like Azim Premji of WIPRO and Narayana Murthy of Infosys have time and again raised issue). These authors having spent a good amount of time in industry successfully at various important positions felt the need to remove this lacunae and correct the situation and so this book.

Contents :

1. Introduction to Marketing
2. Consumer Behaviour
3. Market Segmentation
4. Marketing Environment
5. Marketing Mix
6. Marketing Planning
7. Marketing Organization
8. Marketing COntrol
9. Social Responsibility of Marketing Organizations
10. Career in Marketing Question Papers


Year of publication







336 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. Suresh Abhyankar,

Prof. Anil Keskar


Himalaya pub