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Business Communication (Bangalore Univ)


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Sound Decision–making is the vital function of any management. In decision-making process communication plays a major role. It is a key factor. Communication may be oral or written. It is also expressed in the form of body language. But in a business or any other structured activity, written communication is the only made adopted for effective communication. In communication process, language is the main vehicle. In business enterprises, time being very precious, effective language has to be used for effective communication. Language should be crisp and catch the minds of readers quickly. Business Communication covers the drafting of wide variety of business letters.

In this title, we have dealt with fundamentals of business communication for various situations. The chapter ‘Structure of Business Letters’ deals with how business letters must be structured. Chapter Accounts Correspondence’ illustrates various types of letters with respect to the accounts and financial transitions, correspondence with banks, provident fund, insurance companies and other similar institutions. The chapter ‘Purchase Correspondence’ explains the communication process in connection to call for tenders and quotations, and other similar purchase transactions. The chapter ‘Sales Correspondence’ deals with drafting of literature for sales, product launch, communication with dealers and agents, and other similar activities.

In this book, meaningful description of drafting each type of letter is given. Specimen letters for each and every type dealt is exhibited for correct understanding of the type to be drafted. The appropriate language to be used is also depicted in specimens. Written in a simple but effective language, this work serves the needs of students and learners who are involved in drafting business letters. We wish that this work serves the needs of students to cover their curriculum.



Introduction and Importance of Business Communication
1. Personnel Correspondence
2. Secretarial Correspondence
3. Inter – Departmental Communication
4. Modern Communication Devices
5. Miscellaneous Correspondence


Year of publication







218 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




D.S. Gopala Krishna,

Dr. P.N. Reddy,

Prof. H.R. Appannaiah


Himalaya pub