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Business Law Sem II (Telangana Univ)


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Law is the protector of the society and society remains weak and unsafe without the judicial power. Any business and individual should work within purview of law which is mandatory. Law represents the values of a society. It has that have the force of formal authority of threat and punishment, if they are broken. This makes any body to follow law compulsory.

All business activities should be based on legal foundation. Every business should have twofold effect, of offering and acceptance mutual consent sharing fruits of business, protecting one’s right, facing the competitions, a care towards environment, vigilant about various crimes and so on. The title “Business Law” is providing the boundaries and protecting all such activities. The Contract Acts, Indian Sale of Goods Act, Right to Information Act, Right to Education Act, The Competition Act, The Consumer Protection Act, Foreign Exchange Management Act, The Economic law and The Environmental Protection Act, and so on are some of the Acts to create awareness among UG students.

The book is simple and easy to understand and fully convert with Bangalore University syllabi, with following criteria:
1. Every unit is covered with an overview which gives an overall picture of the unit.
2. The overview stands as a bird’s eyeview for easy understanding and memory from the examination point of view.
3. Explanation with diagram for clear ideas.
4. Authentic description of every topic.
5. Module questions at the end of every unit as per the pattern of question paper.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Business Laws
2. Contract Laws
3. Information Laws and RTE
4. Competition and Consumer Laws
5. Economic and Environment Laws – Fema 1999
Frequently Asked Important Questions
Question Paper


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Library Dollar Price




Year of publication






D.S. Vittal,

K. V. N Sandhya,

Kasthuri Srikanth,

P. Kranthi


Himalaya pub