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Circuit Analysis (Telangana Univ)


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This book intends to cater the need of the students of B.Sc. Electronics Ist Semester of Osmania University and other Universities of Telangana State, who have recently revised the syllabi under CBCS scheme of UGC. This text provides the comprehensive treatment for the electronic circuit analysis and designing in lucid manner.

The whole subject matter has been put in seven chapters,as seven colors of rainbow. It is essential to know about the basic circuit elements, before designing any circuit, therefore the first chapter deals with the Circuit Elements. The second chapter presents the basic concepts of AC- fundamentals. With the concept of j-operator, the polar and rectangular forms of complex numbers are didcussed. The complex impedance & admittance are obtained using the phasor diagrams for RC, RL, RLC-ac-circuits.

The third chapter covers the Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws and their applications to circuit analysis. Node voltage analysis and mesh analysis are discussed with various examples. Network theorems, which are very important to the analysis of complicated circuits, are discussed in chapter fourth. Superposition, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, maximum power, reciprocity and Millman’s theorems are discussed with various examples using dc and ac-sources.

The chapter fifth is based on RC- & RL-circuits. Transient response of RL and RC-circuits are described with the use of differential equations. Low pass and High pass filters, their frequency response are given a due weight age. The basic concepts of differentiating & Integrating circuits are given at the end of this chapter.

Resonance, a very important subject in ac-circuits is described in chapter sixth, with a stress on the resonant frequency, Q-factor, bandwidth and selectivity for both series & parallel resonant circuits. The seventh chapter deals with the Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, a very important instrument used in every Electronics Lab. Along with its components and their functions, its use to measure amplitude, frequency, time period and phase are discussed in details.

To check the knowledge and understanding of the subject, a set of large questiions in the form of True/False; Fill in the blanks; Multiple choice questions; Short answer questions are given at the end of each chapter. To develop the skill, a large number of problems (solved as Exercises and unsolved as problems) are also added in each chapter. The probable questions based on the subject matter are given at the end of respective chapters.


Contents –

1. Electronic Components
2. A.C. Circuit Fundamentals
3. Passive Networks
4. Network Theorems
5. Rc- and RL-Circuits
6. Resonance in Electric Circuits
7. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Problems asked during last 5 years


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Dr. D.C. Tayal,

Praveen Tayal


Himalaya pub