Costing Methods is the process of planning and controlling the budget of a business. Costing methods is a form of management accounting that allows a business to predict impending expenditures to help reduce the chance of going over budget. This text is designed for business studies and management degree courses at undergraduate level

The book “costing Methods” familiarizes the students on the use of costing data for decision making and cost control and creates awareness on the emerging costing methods concepts

This text book is an attempt to provide the students with detailed understanding of introduction of costing methods, job and batch costing, process costing, process loss, normal loss, abnormal loss, abnormal gain, joint and by- products, contract costing, operating costing and transport costing.

This book is designed to present the need for all categories of students by giving simple explanation related to Costing Methods under Indian Perspective.


Contents –

Unit 1 – Introduction to Costing Methods
Unit 2 – Job and Batch Costing
Unit 3 – Process Costing
Unit 4 – Contract Costing
Unit 5 – Operating Costing


Year of publication

2017, 2020


First, Second


246, 162, 212


228 (In Grams)

Student Dollar Price




A.V. Chandrashekar,

Dr. Mahesh Kumar K. R.,

Dr. Venkataraman R.,

R.G. Saha,

S. Sharmila,

Shruthi Prabhakar,

Zameer Pasha


Vision Book House