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Dictionary of Biology


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This first edition of ‘Dictionary of Biology’ is the perfect and most Authentic guide for those studying Biology either at school or college level and also preparing for various entrance examinations. This Dictionary contains over 5,200 concise and clear entries. The new entries include Bioinformatics, Gene cloning, Gene bank, Genomics, Molecular hybridization, Somatic cell gene therapy. Transgenic plants, Z-DNA, etc., and biographical entries of famous Indian scientist, along with other scientists from around the world, who made notable contributions in the various branches of biology. This Dictionary provides a detailed coverage of Biology including Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Human biology as well as key words from medicine and sex education. This Dictionary can be used as a handbook by students and teachers of Biology for reference.

Over 5,200 total entries.
Short articles on Indian Biologist.
Biographical entries on world famous scientists.
Biological Terminological from Greek and Latin origin.
Scientists who coined the terms in Biology.
Branches / Career options in Biology.
Basic concepts and significant contributions in Biology.
Fathers of various branches.
Landmarks in genetics and medicine.
More than 500 common abbreviations, prefixes and suffixes.
Famous Biological Research Institutes.
Explanatory matter given wherever necessary.

Book Content of Dictionary of Biology
  1. A To Z
  2. Greek & Latin Terminology
  3. Branches in Biology
  4. Concepts & contributions in Biology
  5. Fathers of Various Branches of Biology
  6. Landmarks in Genetics
  7. Wildlife Sanctuaries in India
  8. Birth control methods
  9. Bacterial Diseases & pathogen
  10. Antibiotics & Microorganism
  11. Landmarks in Medicine
  12. Discovery of bacterial diseases & pathogen
  13. Important days
  14. Terms & scientists
  15. Common abbreviations
  16. Common prefixes & suffixes
  17. Famous biological research Institutes in India
  18. Autobiographical notes on Scientists
  19. Undergraduate & postgraduate courses in Biota

Year of publication






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Students Dollar Price



Dinesh B. Dhawane


Himalaya pub