Look Inside

Dynamic Personnel Administration

The present volume is designed just to meet this need. It endeavour to place before the reader the expansive scope, variety and dynamism of the field of Human Resource Management. The purpose of discussing Human Resources Management of both Indian and U.S.A. is mainly to give a total and complete picture of personnel administration and it is not a comparative study. The starting point for improving the methods of managing people is first of all to distinguish clearly the nature and scope of all the various elements of operative, advisory and service function as well as the available tools and techniques of Human Resources Management. The present volume begins with a discussion of the nature and evolution and develops in the first three chapters certain concepts, theories, and principles in the field of Human Resources Management. It then sets for the policies, programmes and procedures of the various operative and advisory functions., discussing in detail the human resource tools and techniques utilized in Indian and U.S.A. and elsewhere.

Contents :

Part I – Dynamic Human Resources Management-Concept
1. Global Human Growth Model
2. Dynamic Human Resources Management
3. Field of Human Resources Management
4. Principles of Human Resources Management
Part II – Management of Human Resources
5. Human Resources Planning
6. Scientific Selection Placing the Right Person on the right Job
7. Human Resources Development
8. Promotions Transfers and Performance Appraisal
9. Employment Morale
10. Communications and Suggestion Systems
11. Wage and Salary Administration
12. Employee Benefits and Services
13. Human Relations and Motivation
Part III – Union and Management Relations
14. Union and Management Relations
15. Labour Legislation
16. Employee Grievance Redressal
17. Employee Discipline
Part IV – Management of Human Resources – New Trends
18. New Trends in Human Resources Management
19. Human Resources Management Education
20. Computer Application in Human Resources Management
21. Human Resources Management and Family Planning
22. Evaluation of Human Resources Management
23. The Challenge of Tomorrow


Year of publication







798 (In Grams)



M.N. Rudrabasavaraj


Himalaya pub