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Education For Values


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This book would be “EDUCATION FOR VALUES”. Next, while some immature and unsocialised behaviour may really attribute to a social problems, this does not mean that all such behaviour does. Consequently, the possible inter relationship of value-education, immature behaviour and social problems would have to be very carefully explained. With this social problems would have to be very carefully explained. With this background, a sincere attempt has been made here in brining about this book. Over and above, being working in Teacher`s Training College, in the capacity of a lecturer for some years and also as a principal of the College, it was felt very much honestly that first of all, our teacher-trainees should be well trained as would be teachers of `VALUE EDUCATION` and its concept, would really suffice the matter. Our teacher-trainees are would be teachers. It is they, who should be helped to draw a clear concept regarding value-education. Hence, they must be made to learn, understand and get well-versed in handling the most important ten values laid down by the Government of Maharashtra for inculcating the same in schools. Now, when our teacher-trainees enter the teaching profession, the handling of the subject of value-education will not be felt difficult by them and the assigned tasks will work out smoothly. It is at this juncture, that having set the mind to think in the said direction, I have ventured in attempting to include the chapter entitled `VALUE-ORIENTED TEACHER EDUCATION`, wherein, a responsibility and work of Teaches` Training College has been discussed in details. Much has been viewed about the handling of the topic of `Value-Education` by teachers-trainees when they actually enter the profession chosen by them.


Contents –

1. Introduction
2. Human Values
3. What is a Value
4. Kinds of Value
5. Education Today and Tomorrow With Special Reference To Value Education
6. Management of Value Through Education
7. Value Education and Need For Its Inculcation
8. The Emergency of Value Education In The Institute of Higher Learning
9. Value-Oriented Teacher Education
10. Professional Value and Teacher Education
11. Status of Higher Education and Human Values
12. Plan of Action (Strategies) To Be Adopted for Inculcation of Values In Schools
13. Value Education; A Missing Link In Higher Education
14. Value Education: Its Psychological Parameters
15. Education In Values and Spirituality
16. Relevant Suggestions for Implementing Value Orientation in Teacher Education
17. Value Education Initiatives : A Future Vision
18. Role of Value in Teacher Empowerment
19. Value Education In Conclusion


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Dr. Usha Rao


Himalaya pub