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Entrepreneurship Development & Management


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In the 21st century, entrepreneurship has assumed great importance. The waves of economic liberalization and globalization have opened up several opportunities to the potential entrepreneurs in the industrial, service and agricultural sectors. The new millennium is the age of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the outlook of mind to seek opportunities, take calculated risks and receive benefits by setting up a venture. It includes several activities involved in conception, creation and running of an enterprise.

Entrepreneurial development and management has come to be recognized globally as the key to rapid and sustainable economic development. Indeed, the entrepreneur with their vision, passion, ability and innovative qualities lay down a strong foundation for sustainable growth.

Entrepreneurship management is basically concerned with the development, and coordination of entrepreneurial functions. An effective organization, sound planning, proper coordination of business activities and rational decision- making are the important aspects of entrepreneurship management. The foundation of effective management needs both policy and strategy to be determined and made known.

Literature on entrepreneur development and management has been growing in recent years. Though there have been numerous articles in various journals on entrepreneurial development, especially in India and quite a few edited books containing articles on different aspects of the subject by different authors. This book is intended to help furnish the much needed information on this subject.

The purpose of the book is to describe the essential features of an entrepreneur and entrepreneurship to provide a sense of direction for planners and policy makers, on the one end, and the emerging crop of young

Entrepreneurs, both men and women, educated, uneducated, professional and non professional, to reap immense benefits and decide the future course of action, on the other. In fact this book is not a fresh beginning nor is it the last word. Subsequent studies will elaborate on many of the issues raised here.



1. Concept of entrepreneur
2. Types of Entrepreneur
3. Nature and Importance
4. Entrepreneurial Traits and Skills
5. Concept of Entrepreneurship
6. Entrepreneurial Motivation and Achievement
7. Setting up a Small Enterprise
8. Entrepreneurship Environment
9. Environmental Pollution Acts
10. Financial Management
11. Accounting and Book-Keeping
12. Marketing Mangement
13. Human Resource Management and Labour Laws
14. Sickness of Small-Scale Industries
15. Incentives and Subsidies
16. Institutional Support to SSI


Year of publication







482 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





Dr. Kulveen Kaur,

Dr. Vasant Desai


Himalaya pub