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Financial Accounting – II (Sem 2, Tumkur Univ)

Student Price 285.00

SKU: 49036589e567 Category:

This book “Financial Accounting – II” is prepared for the syllabus requirement of First Semester B.Com., of Tumkur University.

Being student friendly is the unique feature of this book. The subject matter has been presented systematically, which can enable the reader to master the topics covered, without any additional guidance. Most later provisions have been incorporated in this book.

There are two types of graduates – those who have learnt “how to learn” and those who have learnt “how to think”. Universities have considered introduction of Semester System to facilitate “thinking and application skills.” The Semester System provides sufficient time for a student to learn the entire width and depth of any topic, making him remain more focused and acquire specialised knowledge.


Contents –

1. Fire Insurance Claims
2. Royalty Accounts
3. Sales of a Firm to a Limited Company
4. Conversion of Single Entry into Double Entry
5. Branch Accounts
6. Departmental Accounts