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Financial Management

Student Price 398.00

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Financial Management has been written keeping in mind the challenges of managing finance in different contexts. The text essentially revolves around three fundamental issues of managing finance: raising funds, investing them judiciously and dispersal of profits, including dividends to shareholders.

Besides being comprehensive on the coverage of the subject, Financial Management has the following unique pedagogic aids:

  • each chapter begins with learning objectives.
  • numerous problems with solutions appended to each chapter
  • self-taught tools comprising fill-in-blank statements and true/false statements with answers at the end of each chapter.
  • skill building exercise which help the students develop skill in the subject by bridging the gap between theory and practice.

The book is free from jargons and verbose. It is written in simple conventional style. Though the book is aimed at meeting the requirements of II Semester MBA students of Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad general readers too will find the book interesting and rewarding.

Book Content of Financial Management
  1. An Overview of Financial Management
  2. Time Value of Money
  3. Valuation of Securities
  4. Cost of Capital
  5. Techniques of Capital Budgeting
  6. Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting
  7. Capital Structure (Including Leverages)
  8. Capital Structure and Firm Value
  9. Sources of Long-term Finance
  10. Venture Capital Finance
  11. Lease and Hire Purchase Finance
  12. Working Capital Management
  13. Cash Management
  14. Receivables Management
  15. Inventory Management
  16. Working Capital Finance
  17. Dividend Policy
  18. Dividend Policy and Firm ValueAppendix (Tables)