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Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics


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This book “Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics” is an enlarged and improved version which covers fundamental and basic theoretical aspects of agricultural economics and an attempt is made to cover the issues which the Indian agriculture faces at present. Not only have the data been updated but several new chapters have been added keeping in view the academic requirements of students. This book will give an opportunity to students to find theoretical and field level issues in agricultural development. Written in simple and lucid manner this book will benefit not only PG students but also researchers who undertake research problems concerning agriculture economies and development. For research purpose a lot of recent data are explained in the chapters which can develop the analytical capability of the students.

Contents :

Section I : General Issues
1. Nature and Scope of Agricultural Economics
2. Role of Agriculture in Economic Development
3. Farm Organisation
4. Types of Farming
5. Land in Agriculture
6. Labour in Agriculture
7. Capital in Agriculture
8. Land Reforms – The Theoretical Issues
9. Risk and Uncertainty in Farming
10. Supply Behaviour in Agriculture
11. Agricultural Marketing
12. Marketable Surplus
13. Environment and Agricultural Development
14. Human Resource Development in Agriculture
Section II : Issues Concerning Agricultural Development
15. Shultz`s Thesis of Transforming Traditional Agriculture
16. Mellor`s Theory of Agricultural Development
17. Boserup`s Theory of Agricultural Development
18. Lewis Model of Economic Development
19. FEI & Ranis Model of Agricultural Development
20. Tadaro`s Model of Migration and Unemployement
21. Jorgenson`s Neo-Classical Model of a Dual Economy
Seciton III : Issues in Agricultural Prodution, Price Determination, Consumption and Farm Management
22. Economics of Agricultural Production
23. Production with one Variable Input(Factor-Product Relationship)
24. Production with two Inputs (Factor-Factor Relationship)
25. Resource Allocation and Enterprises Comnination (Product – Product Relationships)
26. Time and Agricultural Production Process
27. Cost, Revenue and Profit Maximization
28. Agricultural Price Determination
29. Consumption Economics
30. Farm Management
Section IV : Issues in Indian Agriculture
31. Green Revolution in India
32. Farm Mechanisation
33. Food Security and Agricultural Development
34. Land Reforms in India

35. Farm Size and Productivity
36. Agricultural Credit
37. Foreign Trade and Agricultural Development
38. New Economic Policy and Indian Agriculture
39. WTO and Indian Agriculture
40. Nanotechnology and Agriculture


Year of publication







658 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price


Library Dollar Price





A.N. Sadhu,

Amarjit Singh,

Prof. Jasbir Singh


Himalaya pub