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History of Courts


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It is with great pleasure that we introduce to you the remarkable and insightful book, “History of Courts.” This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the judicial system in India, tracing its origins, evolution, and its significant role in shaping the country’s legal and social landscape.

As we delve into the pages of this book, we embark on a journey through time, beginning with ancient legal systems and gradually progressing to the modern-day judiciary. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the various types of courts that have existed in India, from the ancient Panchayats to the colonial-era courts and the present-day structure. Readers will gain a profound understanding of how these institutions have influenced the socio-political fabric of the nation.

“History of Courts” not only delves into the structural aspects, but also sheds light on the remarkable individuals who have played pivotal roles in the country’s legal history. It highlights the contributions of eminent jurists, significant judgments, and landmark legal cases that have left an indelible mark on the legal system.

In addition, the book explores the challenges and reforms that the Indian judiciary has undergone over the years. It discusses the delicate balance between upholding justice and maintaining the rule of law, even in the face of complex societal changes and political pressures.

This book is a valuable resource for students, scholars, legal practitioners, and anyone interested in understanding the legal history of India. It serves as a reminder of the rich tapestry of the country’s judicial past and the continuous efforts to adapt to the evolving needs of a diverse and dynamic society.

“History of Courts” invites readers to ponder the past, engage with the present, and contemplate the future of the Indian legal system. It is a testament to the enduring importance of the courts in safeguarding justice, upholding the rule of law, and contributing to the growth and development of this diverse and vibrant nation.

We hope you find this book as enlightening and informative as we do, and that it enriches your understanding of the judicial journey of India.


Contents –

Module I: Administration of Justice (1600-1780), Regulating Act of 1773 and Settlement Act of 1781
Module II: Conflict Arising out of the Dual Judicial System and Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
Module III: Court System under the Constitution of India and Rule of Law, Independence of Judiciary and Separation of Powers
Module IV: History of Legislature and History of Legal Profession
Suggested Answers to Mumbai University Selected Questions


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Year of publication






Adv. Sunil N. Shah


Himalaya pub