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Human Resource Management (Sem 2, NEP (Banglore))


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Government of Karnataka has taken a meaningful decision to introduce New Education Policy (NEP) at degree level from 2020 onwards. It is a nice augury. Thanks to Government of Karnataka.

In the later part of 1980s very many innovative practices emerged on the corporate scene. Human Resources Development (HRD) is one descipline which was assumed as a vital activity to develop the business in an organisation. Since then all most all business houses considered HRD as a big factor for their success and established HRD wings in their organisations, formulated HRD policies and appointed HR personnel to implement these policies.

During this period, to give a clear picture of HRD, volumeneous literature was rolled out by publishers and written by great scholars. They tried and analysed the distinction between traditional practices which were called “Personnel Management” and “Human Resources Management (HRM)” as it is called today.

The literature available on HRM is extensive. The learners at the entry level may feel it difficult to understand various dimensions HRM. As this subjects is introduced at degree level in various universities of Karnataka including Banglore University, an attempt is made in this title to give an overview of HRM to be easily understood by these entry level students. The content covers the syllabus of Human Resource Management of second semester BBA.


Contents –

Module 1: Introduction to Human Resource Management
1. Human Resource Management – An Overview
Module 2: Manpower Planning
2. Human Resource Planning
3. Job Analysis
4. Recruitment
5. Selection and Placement
Module 3: Induction, Training and Compensation
6. Training and Induction
7. Career Planning and Development
8. Compensation
Module 4: Performance Appraisal
9. Performance Appraisal
10. Promotion
11. Transfer and Right-Sizing
Module 5: Employee Engagement
12. Employee Engagement


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Year of publication






H.A. Bhaskara,

Madhu S.,

Prof. H.R. Appannaiah


Himalaya pub