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Improving Managerial Effectiveness

People working together for achieving common objectives constitute an organisation. The responsibility for the effectiveness of organisations rests with the level of development of the individuals who manage them. The higher the common objectives of the organisation and the higher and ideals of its managers, the greater is the commitment of the workforce. The managers may be cynical, lacking faith in themselves and therefore, unable to delegate and build up team spirit. Such managers are ignorant of the aim and purpose of life and the role of work in achieving the same. They have no intellectual conviction of the ideals of work that if we work together for achieving common objectives, the organisation and its workforce will prosper. If the managers are able to adopt for themselves a higher set of ideals, develop a visionary purpose in life and a missionary zeal in action, then the entire organisation becomes surcharged with effectiveness. This book is based on a study carried out to explore the impact of locus of control and learned helplessness as independent variables on managerial effectiveness as dependent variable. The book has a chapter on each: Locus of Control, Learned Helplessness and Managerial Effectiveness, followed by the chapters on method, results, discussion and epilogue, covering summary, conclusions, suggestions and implications. The work based on the empirical research is expected to enrich the literature on managerial effectiveness and also provide some cues to the researchers, practitioners and policymakers.

Book Content of Improving Managerial Effectiveness

    1. Prologue
    1. Acknowledgement
    1. Locus of Control
  1. Locus of Control
  2. Learned Helplessness
  3. Managerial Effectiveness
  4. Method
  5. The Results
  6. The DiscussionReferences
    Subject Index
    Author Index




Year of publication



156 (In Grams)



Dr. Santosh Rangnekar,

Dr.Upinder Dhar


Himalaya pub