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Legal Aspects of Business

There is no dearth of books on Business Law, especially for the management courses. Yet this attempt can be distinguished for its focus on explaining the relevant provisions of law from a managerial perspective. Certain Universities including Pune University have long back changed the nomenclature of the subject from Business Law to Legal Aspects of Business with the intent of conveying to the students (and the faculty members dealing with the subject) that the emphasis should be on the Business rather than law. The title Legal Aspects of Business carries this spirit unlike the term Business Law which is more akin to terms such as Civil Law or Criminal law.

My endeavour is to make the book more student-friendly. I have explained the law in a language as simple as possible, bearing always in mind that the readers are management students and not the law students. This had to be done not at the expense of essential and minute discussion of law, wherever warranted. At the same time, I have not lost sight of the fact that the book is intended for the would-be managers.

Contents :

1. Contract Act
2. Bailment and Pledge
3. Agency
4. Partnership
5. Sale of Goods Act
6. Negotiable Instruments Act
7. Company Law
8. Consumer Protection Act, 1986
9. Intellectual Property Law


Year of publication







470 (In Grams)

Student Dollar Price




R.R. Ramtirthkar


Himalaya pub