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Marketing and Services Management (Bangalore Univ)

Student Price 240.00

SKU: 280d6f8c99fe Category:

Indian marketers today are excited and are facing challenges because of technology intensive, hyper competitive global business environment prevailing in the country. Their challenge is to take sound marketing career will also face the same challenges. These may be in a more complex situation,as it takes time for them to enter into career. This title “Marketing and Services Management” Provides them an opportunity to develop the skills necessary to meet the challenges.

Our Customers are our readers, Keeping this in mind and to add value to existing fund of knowledge in the students friends, we have taken this risk to write the subject lucidly, comprehensively and meaningfully, Using out intellectual capital to enhance the intellectual capacities of our readers.

Though this basic work on theories, Concepts and principles of marketing and service management, students are promote in this work to assume the role of marketing executives. Graded questions are also given at the end of each chapter for self-study and better understanding of the theme of this title.


Contents –

1. Introduction to marketing
2. Mareting Environment
3. Marketing Mix
4. Introduction to Services Management
5. Service Sector Management