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Organisational Behaviour


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In the era of globalization, every activity in the work place is fast changing. Change management concept is fully recognized. After Industrial Revolution and Commercial Revolution, a third revolution is taking place in business work places. Technology driven practices are adopted in a very big way. Emotional intelligence (EI) of employees is occupying the knowledge (K) and skill (S) place. The change is from “K to S to EI” K and S are not ignored. They are taken on a priority basis i.e. from EI to S to K. This is what business house are looking for in their work places. New management concepts such as self-leadership, virtual terms, Networks etc. have occupied the prominent places in today’s corporate management. Organisation. Organizational Behavior is a discipline which focuses on all these issues.

In this title, an attempt is made to give an outline of Organizational Behavior (OB) for the ones who wish to study the various concepts of this subject. OB, in today’s scenario, tries to blend the Issues like globalization, business ethics, information technology, knowledge management relationship management, quality improvement in work pleas, changes in communication process etc. As all these tools or techniques are adapted to change the work places, how human factor reacts to these tools are brought in the discipline of OB.


Contents :

1. Organisational Behaviour
2. Perception
3. Motivation
4. Attitudes
5. Learning and Behavior Modification
6. Personality
7. Group Dynamics
8. Leadrship
9. Organisational Change
Skill Development
Previous Year Question Paper


Year of publication







320 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




B. Rose Kavitha,

Dr. P.N. Reddy,

Prof. H.R. Appannaiah


Himalaya pub