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Practical Microbiology (Principles & Techniques)


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The purpose of any laboratory manual must be to reinforce the knowledge in realistic form about the theory taught in the classroom or learned from reading the books and journals. Therefore, attempt has been made to present the text in lucid language and logical sequence. The arrangement of the experiments closely parallels to matter of the subject.

One of the fascinating aspects of microbiology practical has been the living nature of every experiment. Experimentation become a pleasant and rewarding experience of academic career. But a word of caution, one should never forget that although a vast majority of the microorganisms are harmless, some obviously are not. Certain rules and procedures must be adhered to very strictly. The main motive behind writing this manual has been to develop an attitude towards adopting the basic techniques in microbiology that will ensure personal safety while handling any experimental microorganism.

This book is designed for all those who are related to the world of microbes. Thus, students and teachers belonging to the courses of basic science of Microbiology, Pharmacy, Medicine, Veterinary, Dairy, Agriculture, Food technology, Biotechnology and Genetics will find this manual quite useful to build a foundation for specialized or applied studies.


Contents –

Section One : Techniques used in Basic Microbiology
1. Some Common Apparatus used in Microbiology Laboratory
2. Culture Media Preparation and its Sterilization
3. Aseptic Transfer Techniques
4. Culturing Microorganism in Liquid Medium and on Solid Medium
5. Isolation of Pure Culture of Bacteria
6. Microscope and Microscopy
7. Morphological Studies of Microorganisms
8. Enzymatic Activity of Microorganisms
Anatomy and Staining Slides of Bacteria
Biochemical Tests
Section Two : Techniques used in Applied Microbiology
Family Business: Changing with the Time
Women in Family Business
9. Enumeration of Growth
10. Microbiological Assays Based on Nutrition
11. Anaerobic Cultivation of Bacteria
12. Environmental Effects on Microbial Growth
13. Identification of Unknown Bacteria
14. Selective and Enriched Culture Techniques
15. Antiseptic and Disinfection Action
16. Sterility Testing
17. Microbial Genetics
18. Industrial Microbiology
19. Soil Microbiology
20. Diagnostic Bacteriology
21. Viruses
General Questions for Viva-Voce


Year of publication







220 (In Grams)

Book Code


Students Dollar Price



Dr.Kishore P. Bhusari,

Vinita V. Kale


Himalaya pub