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Rural Marketing


SKU: PCM0070 Category:

Rural Marketing is an evolving subject and there have been gradual improvements in Rural Environment, Rural Marketing and Agro-produce Marketing. This is due to much improved communication system due to smartphones, TV advertisements, internet usage, e-payment and continuously improving road and air connectivity. About three decals after globalisation, we have learnt to accept produce from various nations and also distance is not a limiting factor due to better transport facilities. People are ready to buy from anywhere in the world if price, variety, quality, etc. are attractive.

This is a vast subject covering socio-economic and geographic considerations. In the first edition (2004) of the book, we started with syllabus of VTU Bengaluru’s MBA programme. Later on, we have gradually expanded and enriched it to cover all India University needs and for knowledge. Like HRM, Marketing branches Rural Development has become one of the branches in MBA programme of few universities. Hence, Rural Environment, Rural Marketing and Agricultural Marketing covered in this book will be very useful for those students as well.


Contents :

Rural Environment
1. Overview of Marketing Management
2. Rural Marketing − Definition & Scenario
Rural Marketing
3. Rural Demand and Rural Market Index
4. Market Forces and Price Determination
5. Problems in Rural Marketing
6. Markets and Market Structure
7. Marketing Agricultural Input
8. Marketing of Consumer Durables
9. Rural Marketing Strategies
10. Marketing of Farm Inputs
Agricultural Marketing
11. Agricultural Marketing − Definition and Scope
12. Agricultural Marketing and Economic Development
13. Producer`s Surplus of Agricultural Commodities
14. Projection of Demand and Supply of Farm Product
15. Scientific Marketing of Farm Products
16. Risk Management and Futures Market
17. Marketing of Farm Products
18. Transportation of Farm Products
19. Grading and Standardization
20. Storage and Warehousing
21. Processing
22. Market Information
23. Food Processing and Manufacturing
24. Marketing Agencies and Institutions
25. Traditional Agricultural Marketing System
26. Integration, Efficiency, Cost and Price Spread
27. Training, Research and Statistics in Agricultural Marketing
28. External Trade in Agricultural Products
29. Financing
Recent Developments


Year of publication







1076 (In Grams)

Book Code


Student Dollar Price


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Dr. Ravindranath Badi,

Prof. N.V. Badi


Himalaya pub