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Services Management


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People in advanced countries rely more on services. Developing countries like India are also relying more and more on service sector. In this context, managing firms providing services is becoming vital but complex activity. Professional management of service units will go a long way in developing the economy. “Services Management”, this book gives a glimpse of managing services on professional lines.

The first chapter opens with a conceptual analysis of Services Management. Second chapter analyzes classification of services and physical products. Third chapter focuses on Service Marketing – Mix which is a vital function of services management. Fourth chapter gives a brief analysis of planning of services. Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth chapters analyze three vital service activities.

Although the title is prepared to cover the syllabus of BBM of Bangalore University, this serves as an effective information tool for those who wish to start service activities such as hospitals, hotels or tourist services.

Each chapter contains, learning objective, chapter synopsis, text of the topic (narrated in a simple and direct style), vital information in boxes, charts and diagrams for clear understanding of chapter themes. Graded questions and practical exercises are given for self study.

Book Content of Services Management

Chapter 1 : Services Management − An Overview
Chapter 2 : Services Classification
Chapter 3 : Marketing Mix of Services
Chapter 4 : Customer Relationship Management in Services
Chapter 5 : Planning And Managing Service Delivery
Chapter 6 : Tourism Management
Chapter 7 : Travel Services
Chapter 8 : Health Care Services
Chapter 9 : Hotel Industry




Student Dollar Price

7, 11, 10

Library Dollar Price

278, 250, 200


Fifth, First

Year of publication

2011, 2016, 2015



D.S. Gopala Krishna,

Dr. H.V.S. Raghavan,

Dr. P.N. Reddy,

Prof. H.R. Appannaiah


Himalaya pub