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Software Engineering (Blr Univ)

Student Price 280.00

SKU: bbb040d4b9e5 Category:

We have great pleasure in presenting the first editionSoftware Engineering” written for students of UG courses. The subject matter is written in a simple and easily understandable language with sufficient support from real business world information.

This is an attempt to provide the students with thorough understanding of software engineering concepts. In writing this book we have benefited immensely from the studies of a number of books and the articles written by scholars spread over diversely

We sincerely hope this book will provide a helping hand to the teaching fraternity in guiding and preparing the students towards a bright career in the field of software engineering.



Unit 1 . Introduction to Software Engineering
Unit 2 . Software Prototyping and Design
Unit 3 . Object and Function Oriented Design
Unit 4 . Software reliability and Reusability
Unit 5 . Software Verification and Validation