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Water Microbiology


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This book of on watermicrobiology is at present the only one exclusively devoted to water microbiology from an Indian perspective. Water is an important . component of life. It is well known fact that existence of life is highly impossible without and this is applicable for most of the microorganisms too. Considering the importance of water and the fact that very scare attempts have been made to present its microbiological literature from an Indian perspective an attempt has been made to give comprehensive and exhaustive information regarding all the aspects in this book entitled Water Microbiology: An Indian Perspective.

This book covers all the important aspects of water microbiology which is essentially a part of study for Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Environmental scientists and Engineers, Researchers in various fields, Public Health professional and students at undergraduate and postgraduate level. All current topics on water are covered in detail to meet the requirements of UG and PG students. We have been thoughtful and have taken exceptional efforts to cover all areas of Water Microbiology from its basics to current research. This book will be a useful test book as well as reference book in life sciences and environmental Science, as it covers the information and up to date knowledge of water, from both practical and theoretical perspective. Key feature of this book are: Easy to understand, Concise text in simple and lucid language, attractive and easy to understand with plenty of self-explanatory figures, flowcharts and tables, giving up to date knowledge regarding the subject. We have taken utmost care to present the subject in scientific manner although we do not claim perfection in the treatment of the subject.


Contents –

1. Historical Perspective of Water
2. Water Resources in India
3. Sources and Causes of Water Pollution
4. Water Microbiology
5. Sewage Microbiology
6. Treatment and Disposal of Sludge
7. Marine Microbiology
8. Eutrophication
9. Pollution from Various Industries
10. Bioaugmentation
Question bank


Year of publication







336 (In Grams)

Students Dollar Price




Dr. Nikhilesh Kulkarni,

Dr. Shiva C. Aithal


Himalaya pub