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Women’s Studies

Student Price 350.00

SKU: PPS0187 Category:

The status and role of women is changing all over the world and women have stepped out of the confines of their households, has multiplied their roles and responsibilities and empowered their potentials. If women are to be empowered, it is necessary to provide them with expanding networks of knowledge, education and power resources. Women’s studies is one such literary sign of women empowerment that will equip them with self-knowledge and thereby enable them to break the stereotypes of the past and march towards building a new world of hope and strength.

This book entitled ‘Women’s Studies’ will empower and enhance the youngsters to change their secondary status and restore their glory. We are confident that this book will fulfill its aims and the objectives.

Book Content of Women`s Studies
  1. Empowerment of Women
  2. Feminism-Methods and Perspectives
  3. Move Towards Gender Equalities
  4. Women and Gandhiji
  5. Women and Media
  6. Women and Laws
  7. Women and Employment
  8. Women Entrepreneurship
  9. Women and Religion
  10. Women In Hinduism
  11. Women In Islam
  12. Women In Christianity
  13. Women and Casteism
  14. Women and Marriage
  15. Women and Family Relationships
  16. Women and Child Care
  17. Women and Environment
  18. Nutrient Requirements for Women
  19. Women and Health