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Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations


SKU: PCH0087 Category:

The Fourth Industrial Revolution consequent up on globalisation, revolutionary strides in information technology and manufacturing technology, brought paradigm shifts in human resources management in terms of changes in jobs, increase in demand for jobs requiring information technology skills, decline in the demand for semi-skilled jobs and the like. In addition, Covid-19 pandemic resulted in decline in economic activity and thereby jobs throughout the World.

Purpose – The purpose of this revised edition is to provide latest developments in various areas of human resources management and industrial relations along with added pedagogy to our readers. This revised edition is useful to students of MBA, MHRM, MPM, MSW, M.Com etc., professors, executives of business, Government Organisations, Non-Government Organisations, and religious organisations.

Wide Coverage and Additions – We have covered all significant topics of the subject/course on ‘Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations’. This edition contains latest information and developments in Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations. A new chapter on COVID-19: Paradigm Shifts in HRM is added. In addition, new theories, concepts, boxes, examples, exhibits, tables and figures are included wherever necessary.


Contents :

Chapter 1 Human Resource Management: Organisational Context
Chapter 2 Human Resource Management: Environment and Strategies
Chapter 3 Job Analysis, Team Analysis and Flexible Job Environment
Chapter 4 Human Resource Planning
Chapter 5 Recruitment
Chapter 6 Selection, Placement and Induction
Chapter 7 Human Resource Development
Chapter 8 Performance Appraisal and Development
Chapter 9 Employee Training
Chapter 10 Management Development
Chapter 11 Career Planning and Development
Chapter 12 Internal Mobility and Absenteeism
Chapter 13 Change Management and Organisation Development
Chapter 14 Job Evaluation
Chapter 15 Employee Remuneration-Base salary and Allowances
Chapter 16 Incentive, Fringe Benefits and social Security
Chapter 17 Safety and Health
Chapter 18 Motivation, Leadership and Communication
Chapter 19 Participation, Empowerment and Quality Circle
Chapter 20 Grievance and Discipline
Chapter 21 Industrial Relations: Conceptual Analysis
Chapter 22 Trade Unions and Employers` Associations
Chapter 23 Industrial Conflicts
Chapter 24 Collective Bargaining
Chapter 25 Human Resource Accounting, Records, Audit, Research and Information
Chapter 26 Ethical Issues in Human Resource Management
Chapter 27 E-Human Resource Management
Chapter 28 International Human Resource Management
Chapter 29 Contemporary Issues In HRM
Chapter 30 Retention, Separation, and Re-employment
Chapter 31 COVID-19: Paradigm Shifts in HRM


Year of publication








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Dr. P. Subba Rao


Himalaya pub