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Value Education (Bangalore Univ)


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We have enormous fulfillment in presenting the first edition of the Title “Value Education” written for students of Under Graduation courses. The subject matter is written in a simple and easily understandable language with adequate support from realistic information.

This is an endeavor to provide the students with thorough understanding of value education related concept. While writing this book we have benefited greatly from the studies of a number of books and the articles written by scholars widen over diversely. While written this subject, we have considered all the value education aspects without any modifications.

In writing the book special care has been taken to avoid gaps in the sequential arrangement of topics in the syllabus and logically developed the various topics such as introduction to value education, value education for national and global development and environmental and ecological balance. This book also contains the information about value education, need and ecological balance. This book also contains the information about value education, need and purposes of value education, significance of value education in present context, different types of values, society and institutions in inculcation of values, value education towards human development, concept of human values, personal development ways to improve personality, sensitization of people towards differently able people, women and child, value education for national and global development, national and constitutional values, national integration and international understanding human rights, classification of human rights, social practice and constitutional safeguards, significance, need and importance, biodiversity, prevention and preservation of natural resources. Topics covered are discussed, as far as possible, in fairly self contained manner.



1. Introduction to Value Education
2. Value Education for National and Global Development
3. Environmental and Ecological Balance


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Year of publication




Ayesha B. B.,

Khaleel Ahmed,

Niha Asif


Vision Book House