Look Inside

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance deals with relations between board, management and share holders. There has been a huge awakening in the west especially in USA, where the watch dogs, the board and the external auditors who were supposed to protect the interests of shareholders have failed to do so.

There have a lot of thinking on the aspect of Governance, and a number of committees on Corporate Governance and also Audit have been formed. Their recommendations been applied, but the issue of Governance is beset with supine board, wide powers of CEO / Managing Director / Executive Director and apathetic shareholders.

This books amongst many other aspects of Corporate Governance also talks about :-
– Models and Systems of Corporate Governance
– The attempts at reform in UK and USA which have market driven systems
– Central Role of Board in Corporate Governance
– The Anchors of Corporate Governance
– Board Committees.


Contents :

Chapter 1 Market Economy and Corporate Form of Organization
Chapter 2 Nature and Systems of Corporate Governance
Chapter 3 The Three Anchors of Corporate Governance
Chapter 4 Central Role of Board in Corporate Governance
Chapter 5 Board Committees : Audit Committee
Chapter 6 Board Committees : Remuneration and Nomination Committees
Chapter 7 Management
Chapter 8 Shareholders
Chapter 9 Corporate Social Responsibility
Chapter 10 Rating Corporate Governance
Chapter 11 Reform of Corporate Governance




Year of publication





240 (In Grams)



H.R. Machiraju


Himalaya pub