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Corporate Administration (Sem 2, Bangaluru NorthUniv (NEP))


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New Education Policy (NEP) was introduced by Government of Karnataka at the degree level from the academic year 2021-22. “Corporate Administration” is one of the subjects of study in B.com., second semester, to give information on Indian Companies to the students of business education. Company administration in India is governed by the Indian Companies Act, 2013. The course matrics on Corporate Administration prescribe for B.Com., tells about various aspects of company formation and administration as stipulated in the Companies Act 2013.

The matrics covers issues such as highlights Companies Act 2013, kinds of company formation submitted to the regulatory body (RoC) act the time of incorporation, subscription and commencement of business, company administration ,corporate meetings and winding up of companies.

All the aspects of course matrix are explained strictly as per the provision of companies for proper and easy understanding of the subjects matter. It is expected the professors and students well receive this title “Corporate Administration” and get full information of the subject.


Contents –

Module -I: Introduction to Company
1. Introduction to Company
Module- II : Formation of Company
2. Company Formation
3. Memorandum of Association
4. Articles of Association
5. Prospectus
6. Capital of A Company
Module -III: Corporate Governance

7. Managing Director
8. Company Secretary
9.  Procedural Aspects of Corporate Meeting
10. Resolutions, motions, Amendments and Minutes
11. Annual General Meeting
12. Extra-Ordinary General Meeting
13. Board Meeting and Resolutions
14. Internal Audit for Governance
Module – IV: Winding Up of Companies
15. Winding Up of Companies


Year of publication








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Library Dollar Price





Dr. V. Prabhu Dev,

H.A. Bhaskara,

Madhu S.,

Prof. H.R. Appannaiah


Himalaya pub