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Development of New Enterprises


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Development of New Enterprises is a continuous process. Behind every enterprise, there is an entrepreneur with passion who desires to take risks for the development of his idea and translating it into a reality. The new enterprise may be either in manufacturing or service sector. The subject has received its impetus due to its recognition by some universities in India and abroad. Successful new business ventures and economic development do not just happen. They are the result of the combination of right environment, planning, effort, and innovation. And this right mix can only be achieved by the entrepreneurs. They provide a clear blueprint for stimulating research, technology and finance to help promote matured enterprises. At the same time, they enrich the eco-system and give a boost to economic growth. Economic growth refers to an increase in a country’s production or income per capita, with economy’s total output of goods and services being measured by Gross National Product (GNP). At the present juncture, the country needs much more than growth. Economic development, on the other hand, goes beyond economic growth to include changes in output, distribution and economic structure, which may affect such things as improvement in material well-being of the poor, technical breakthrough, increase in economic activities, increase in the educational level and improvement in health.

Although everyone may not be an entrepreneur at heart, it is possible to acquire most of the skills and abilities which are necessary for success in business. The business climate of our country is fast improving and many individuals and families are venturing into enterprises, small and big. Knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship are a necessary part of today’s business education.

Entrepreneurial Development has come to be recognised globally as the key to rapid and sustained economic growth. Indeed, the entrepreneurs with their vision, passion, ability and innovative qualities lay down a strong foundation for sustainable economic development.


Contents –

Unit One : Introduction
1. Spectrum of Business Activities
2. Manufacturing and Service Sector
3. Starting and Operating New Venturing Enterprises
Unit Two : The Entrepreneurship
4. The Entrepreneur
5. Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
6. Functions and the Role of Entrepreneurs
Unit Three: Entrepreneur
7. Evolution of Entrepreneureship in India
8. The Concept of Entrepreneurship
9. Entrepreneurial Environment
10. Environmental Analysis
11. Development of Entrepreneurship
Unit Four: Innovation
12. Innovation and Entrepreneur
13. Achievement Motivation
14. Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Motivation
Unit Five: Small-scale Enterprises
15. The Concept of Small-scale Industry
16. Characteristics of Small-scale Enterprises
17. The Role of Small-scale Industries
18. Policies Governing Small-scale Industries
Unit Six: Incentives
19. Incentives and Subsidies


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Year of publication




Dr. Vasant Desai


Himalaya pub