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Dictonary of Air Pollution


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This dictionary has been carefully compiled and edited to meet the long felt needs of increasingly large number of those who deal with the various aspects of air pollution. This dictionary provides a speedy means of reference to easily interpretable definitions of the terms selected from the various branches of air pollution and its control.

This dictionary is well informative as is evident from the comprehensiveness of its coverage and contextual relevance of explanations with illustrations and chemical formulae wherever necessary.

The entries made in the dictionary have been written in a clear and explanatory style to provid e straight forward defini tions and invaluable background information. The presentation throughout has been aimed at sustaining the interest of readers while enriching their vocabulary and their comprehensibility of technical terms and expressions.

This dictionary serves the compelling demands of the environmentalist, civil and environmental engineers, operators of air treatment plants,environmental protection agencies, conservationists, law enforcement agencies, public administrators and such persons who are involved directly or indirectly with air pollution.


Year of publication





246 (In Grams)

Book Code

Student Dollar Price




Dr. G.R. Chatwal


Himalaya pub