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Digital Social Media Marketing


SKU: a08c51e1e4e0 Category:

This book has been designed as standard reference book on “Digital Social Media Marketing” for MBA as per New CBCGS and OBE Pattern.

This book comprehensively covers the entire syllabus of MBA. Course of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune and all Indian Universities reputed universities. It has been written to meet the requirements of students of MBA/MMS. Some of the special features of the book are as follows:

• Full coverage of the revised syllabus of MBA/MMS.
• Proposed questions at the end of each chapter and MCQs for online test at end.
• Extensive use of diagrams, tables and various forms to give visual view of key concepts and techniques.
• Fast Track preparation with Question Bank and University Questions and References of answers in the book.
• References of Video Links at each topic which leads to virtual learning at fingertips.


Contents –

1. Basics of Social Media Marketing
2. Facebook Marketing Fundamentals
3. Google AdWords
4. YouTube Marketing
5. Social Media Marketing
6. email Marketing
7. Blending Traditional Marketing with Social Media
8. Developing Strategies for Social Media Marketing
9. Acquiring Customers through Blogs and Twitter
10. Quantifying Social Media Marketing Efforts
11. Social Media Success Stories


Year of publication






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Abhay Kinikar,

Anuradha Sarkar,

Gauri Prabhu,

Nitin C. Kamat,

Pramod Jejurikar,

Sanjiv Kadam


Himalaya pub