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Dynamics of Industrial Relations


SKU: PCH0232 Category:

New life has been infused into this Sixteenth Edition. The whole of the subject matter has been consolidated into this volume that unfolds all that needs be known by students, researchers and practitioners as also those to be sitting in judgment in matters relating to Industrial Relations. The material is very exhaustive and discusses every aspects of the subject in great depth.

Contents :

Part I : Industrial Labour In India
1. Growth of Industrial Labour Force
2. Characteristics of Indian Labor
Part II : Trade Unionism
3. Trade Unionism Concept, Functions, Approaches, Structure and Security
4. Trade union Movement in India
5. Problems of Trade Unions
6. The Trade Union Act, 1926
Part III : Industrial Relations
7. Industrial Relations: Concept, Perspective and Organisation
8. Evolution of Industrial Relations
9. Anatomy of Industrial Conflicts
10. Industrial Unrest in India
11. The State and Industrial Relations Policy
Part IV : Resolutions of Industrial Conflicts
12. Tripartite and Bipartite Bodies
13. Standing Orders and Grievance Procedure
14. Ethical Codes and Industrial Relations
15. Collective Bargaining
Part V : Settlement machinery
16. Conciliation
17. Arbitration
18. Adjudication
Part VI : Industrial Relations Legislation
19. The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
20. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
Part VII : Labour Welfare and Education
21. Labour Welfare, Work and Institution of Labour Welfare Officer
22. Workers` Education and Training
23. Workers` Participation in Management
Part VIII : Industrial Relations and Related Legislation
24. Wage Policy and Wage Regulation Machinery
25. Wage Legislation
26. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
27. Legislation Relating to Factories
28. Miscellaneous Legislation
Part IX : Industrial Relations-Legal Implication, Modern and International Scenario
29. Industrial Relations and the Constitution
30. Industrial Relations and Technological Change
31. India and International Labour Organisation (I.L.O.)
32. Industrial Relations and Human Resources Development
33. Industrial Relations Systems in UK and USA
34. Main Recommendations of the Second Nation Commission on Labour 1999


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Dr. C.B. Mamoria,

Dr. P. Subba Rao,

Dr. Satish Mamoria


Himalaya pub