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Elements of Functional Administration

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The first and previous version of this book titled “Elements of Functional Administration” is now aged about 16+ years and started looking for modernization, as it sensed various vibrant trends and new technologies around its domain.

A systematized ready-reckoner, I mean just a ‘Manual of Administration’ will work like an effective guide once and every time as needed by the Administrative Professionals, this book will become a handy. Surprisingly, I felt immensely delighted when I came to know, this is the only Title in Functional Administration, and never before such a prescribed book was stocked in the book stands.

I am inspired, and poised to elevate this book to be in the theme and style with the conspicuous trend setter Title “You Can Win” of Mr. Shiv khera, who influenced, me big way. My efforts will culminate into accomplishing its worthy goal, I wish with this “2020 Revised Edition” with a far closer reach to the organizations, in its fulfilment, I now feel confident of.


Contents –

1. Scope of Functional Administration
2. Security and Vigilance
3. Industrial Housekeeping
4. Managing Transport
5. Reception and Front Office
6. Fire and Fire Prevention
7. Communication System
8. Monitoring Contract Services
9. Facility Management and Outsourcing
10. Managing AMCs (Annual Maintenance Contracts)
11. Role of Administration in Educational Institutions
12. Welfare and Services Management
13. Civil and Utilities Management
14. Pest Control and Sanitation
15. Landscaping & Gardening
16. Insurance Coverage and Claims
17. Safety, First Aid and Health
18. What Should You Do? (In case of an Accident resulting in Death)
19. Protocol, Liaison and Public Relations
20. Forms & Registers (To be maintained under The Factories Act, 1948)
21. Checklist of Alert Dates for Compliance
22. Managing Travel and Ticket Booking
23. Managing Hotel Reservations
24. Handling Car Rentals
25. Managing Logistics and Mail
26. Deed of an Agreement
27. Managing Leased Accommodations
28. Pollution Control and Protection of Environment
29. Administrative Budgeting
30. Legal and Administrative Terminology
31. Elements of Organizational Behaviour
32. Fundamentals of Project Management
33. E-mail Etiquette
34. Role of Administration in CSR Initiatives
35. Whistle Blower Initiative
36. Digitalization in Administration
37. Pandemic and Administration Responsibility
38. Annexures
Quality Practices to remember
Management Theories to remember
Quotations to remember