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Enterprise Resource Planning


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This book gives the reader the basic as well as advanced concepts of ERP. The business logic is prepared from the business rules approved by the top management. The entire organization, business partners, associates, employees, work as per the system defined by the business rules. ERP software system will now ensure that everybody follows the same. ERP and ISO procedures go together. ERP is complete integrated business management software. This manual intends to define the concept and explain the logic on which ERP is designed and customized for a typical organization, especially the manufacturing business, as this poses the biggest challenge in deploying ERP on the shop floor.

What is ERP?

The name ERP or Digital Nervous System is mentioned in the book `Business @ speed of thought`. written by Mr. Bill Gates. The ERP is like the nervous system of the human body for the business. Reader will find the word ERP used in the book as synonym to ERP. MIS or the Management Information System in the business organizations is the result of good ERP software. All kinds of organizations are using ERP to get good MIS. For instance, hospitality industry, hospitals, airlines, institutes, etc. This book also deals with the manufacturing business, which is yet unexplored. The supply chain management (SCM) is also one of the key business processes that are integrated in a good ERP system.

Book Content of Enterprise Resource Planning
Part − I
1. Introduction
2. Masters Data and Printing Concepts
3. Change Management
4. TCO of ERP
5. ERP Implementation
6. Getting Started
7. Scope of ERP Modules
8. ERP Document Flow and Material Flow
Part − II
9. Procurement Module
10. Import Purchase Module
11. Material Management (MM) Module
12. BOM Module
13. Subcontractor Out Module
14. Production Module
15. Order Fulfillment Module
16. Subcontractor In
17. Account Module
18. Accounts Points
19. Sales Tax and VAT
20. Excise Integration
21. Sarbanes-Oxley
22. After Sales Service Module
23. Payroll Module
24. Automatic E-Mail Alert
25. ERP Major Transactions List
26. Other Masters
27. Back-Up
28. Online Study Material
Part − III
29. Case Studies
– McDonald`s Story
– Automobile Enterprises
– Questions
– ERP Data Validation
– E-Learning Website for ERP
– Humor



Year of publication





674 (In Grams)

Library Dollar Price




Prof. Jyotindra Zaveri


Himalaya pub