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Ethical Science : B.E. Sem-II

Student Price 95.00

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The book is specially written as per the syllabus drafted by Nagpur University for the subject Ethical Science. Ethical Science is both a challenging and rewarding subject. The course is designed keeping in mind the increasing competition in today`s world, where every company is looking for employees who can hit the road running. The main aim of the book is to enable the reader to understand the growing challenges in society due to political reforms, industrialization, and technological development. It aims at developing the skills and attitudes of the young learners towards preparing for a successful corporate career being in tune with the society. It provides a platform to discover our inner strengths and weaknesses to be able to bring transformation into our personalities by discovering our strengths and weaknesses.

In the normal teaching methods, sttudents learning are usually enunciated with their listening in the classroom. Rarely attempts are made to provoke their thinking by providing an opportunity to use reasoning and mind involvement on pratical issues with lively discussions. This course book provides an opportunity to discuss prevalent issues in the society, industry, and in general work behavior of people.

The book has following distinguishing features:

  • It covers the whole syllabus of Ethical Science B.E. Second Semester.
  • Every chapter has a structure that describes the contents.
  • The subject matter is explored in a simple and lucid manner to make it instructive and understandable.
  • Diagrams and illustrations are provided for enhancing understanding wherever necessary.

Contents :

1. Culture and Civilisation
2. Applied Humanities and Social Engineering
3. Right to Information Act, 2005
4. Public Interest Litigation
5. Intellectual Property Rights
6. Lokpal and Lokyukta
7. Industrial Psychology
8. Industrial Sociology
9. Industrial Fatigue
10. Selection and Training of Workers
11. Motivation
12. Transactional Analysis
13. Sustainable Development
14. Professional Ethics
15. Leadership
16. Indian Constitution
17. Indian Federal System
18. Fundamental Rights, Duties and Directive Principles
19. Bureaucracy