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International Finance (Sem 6, Bangalore Univ)


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International Finance touches the financial activities of everybody across the globe. Moreover, events and trends which once unfolded gradually are now racing ahead with breathtaking speed, testing even experienced managers. This text is designed for business studies and management degree courses at undergraduate level.

The book “International Finance” encompasses all types of international business organization, all parts of the globe and all aspects of financial activities, yet international finance textbook to date have tended to limit their coverage in one or more ways.

This text book is an attempt to provide the students with detailed understanding of International finance and business concepts, methods and techniques. We have presented the subject matter in a systematic manner with liberal use of charts and diagrams where ever necessary so as to make it interesting and sustain students interest.

This book is designed to present the need for all categories of students by giving simple explanation related to International Finance under International Perspective.

While writing this book, we have given more concentration on some important topics such as the global financial system, international monetary systems, balance of payments, exchange rates, foreign direct investment and how these topics relate to international trade. The field of international finance concerns itself with studying global capital markets and might involve monitoring movements in foreign exchange rates, global investment flows and cross border trade practices.


Contents –

1. Introduction to International Finance
2. Foreign Exchange and Balance of Payments
3. Instruments in International Financial Markets
4. Foreign Exchange Risk
5. International Financial Institutions and Liquidity


Year of publication






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Dr. K. Rajeswari,

Dr. T. Aswatha Narayana,

Jawahar Kumar


Vision Book House