We take an opportunity to present this book entitled “Object Oriented Programming using Java” to the students of B.C.A. Semester II as per the New Syllabus Based on NEP Model Curriculum w.e.f. 2021-22, UG Programmes, Karnataka.
This book is useful to practical learners and Teachers of Java programming. JAVA is pure object oriented programming language which is portable for Just-in-Time compiler(JIT) JVM, widely used and standardized. It is used to develop wide variety of Command Line Interface and Graphical User Interface applications.
This book emphasizes the skills you need to accomplish real-world programming. It teaches you the constructs of the Java programming which includes the program’s design, code, methods, debugging, and execution. The description of the book starts from introduction to Java and object-oriented programming concepts, interface, Methods in Java, Collections in java, Exception handling mechanism, Applet Programming, Swing Programming, Java beans, Java network programming with examples.
This book will help the various course learners and teaching fraternity of Computer Science, Computer Science and Engineering and Computer Application Developers.
Contents –
1. Introduction to Java
2. OOPS Concepts in Java
3. Events and GUI Programming
4. Introduction to Thread
5 CA-C9P: Java Programming Lab