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Organisational Development


SKU: e0088db85c36 Category:

This book is suitable for students studying in the domain of commerce and management at various Indian Universities. We have put our sincere efforts in making the book holistic and comprehensive.

The chapters in the book are discussed in a simple as well as lucid manner. The book is aimed towards building the fundamental concepts about the subject.


Contents –

1. Introduction to Organisational Development
2. Background of Organisational Development
3. Underlying Beliefs, Values and Assumptions
4. The Change Process
5. The OD Practitioner
6. OD Interventions
7. Team Interventions
8. Intergroup Interventions
9. Personal, Interpersonal and Group Process Interventions
10. Comprehensive Interventions
11. Structural Interventions
12. The Future and OD
Case Studies