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Political Science – III International Relations


The world is a family, just like in the family the members are having different thoughts and opinions in the same way the world consists of many countries and the countries have different political, economic and social views which create conflict among the countries. In this book we are going to read about the international relations among the nations.

In this book it covers emergence of International Relations and Evolution of the study of International Relations which deals with the implication on modern Nation-state system and the challenges to the states sovereignty of the state. It is mainly to deal with the national power of the country and its myth and reality of the world government.

In this book we are going to read about actors in international relation the relations sovereign nation as primary actor in International Relation. The states solve dispute by an official medium of the interstate communication that is by the way of diplomacy. There are many states which are also further divided into non-violent non-state actors and violent non-state actors and its roles and functions. The MNC effect of the environment and labour law acted along with the case studies. This also includes international non-government organisation, inter-government organisation its role and features. Nationalism, liberation movement and the rapid rise of the violent non-state actors are the threat to the world peace.

As we know that in the family there are disputes so in this book we will also read about the peaceful settlement of dispute by the ways of negotiation, mediation, conciliation, arbitration judicial settlement, the dispute is solved by the International Court of Justice. To maintain peace and security the UN peacekeeping operation is set up such as UNMISS, MINURSO and MINUSTAH. If the peaceful method does not work, then the UN may also apply coercive method of settlement of dispute and there is UNSC work as global enforcement agency.

The world is divided in the parts which is known as country and the countries are further divided into community, so in the same way the international community set rules such as United Nations organisation which aims to protect the state and its rights. The community, i.e., State is divided into two parts firstly based on the specialist agency which means it is based on the formation for the specific purpose. For example WHO which deals with the health at international level and secondly, it is divided into the regional agencies to protect the state according to the geographical area. For example, EU as European Union. This book also dealt with the wealth which is including NIEO and PIEO and the vaccine inequality in the countries and climate justice. It is also concerned about the people such as asylum seekers, migrants and refugees.

Contents –

MODULE 1: Introduction to International Relations (IR)
1. International Relations: An Academic Discipline
2. Westphalian Nation-state System
3. National Power
4. Polarity in International Relations
5. Challenges to State Sovereignty
6. World Government
MODULE 2: Actors in IR
7. Sovereign Nation-states as a Primary Actor in International Relations
8. Diplomacy
9. Shift in the State-centric System and Emergence of the Non-state Actors (NSAs)
10. Multinational Company (MNC)
11. International Non-governmental Organisation (INGO)
12. Inter-governmental Organisations (IGOs)
13. Violent Non-state Actors (VNSAs)
MODULE 3: Dispute Redressal Mechanisms in IR
14. Peaceful Settlement of Disputes
15. UN Peacekeeping Operations
16. Coercive Methods of Settlement of Disputes
MODULE 4: International Organisations and Issues
17. The United Nations Organisation and its Principal Organs
18. Specialised Agencies of the United Nations
19. Regional Organisation
20. Issues of Concern in International Relations
21. New International Economic Order (NIEO) and Permanent International Economic Order (PIEO)
22. Human Security for Asylum Seekers, Migrants and Refugees




Year of Publication




262 (In Grams)

Student Dollar Price




Nisha Parekh,

Rinki Yadav


Himalaya pub