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Principles of Public Relations


SKU: e73257915927 Category:

Why this book?
– To help perceive what is Public Relations.
– What it can do and what it will not do.
– Why Public Relations and what is its role in the manufacturing function.
– To dispel the notion that Public Relations is not advertising and publicity, dressed up in attractive language to who the public for gains.

Against this background we have made an attempt to discover and communicate the kaleidoscopic facets of Public Relations so that profession could be understood to mean that it is not a servant of any profession but it is profession by itself, like engineering, medicine, accountancy, marketing and the rest.

The book which touches on the know-how and do-how not only of Public Relations but also of `Communication` is expected to provide interests to all those who care for public opinion. It will not, however, be of much use to those who have planned to enter `maths` or `monastries`, but it will certainly be of use to those involved strategically in the process of communicating day in day out, with their related `public`, to win friends, to influence people, to persuade people for gaining goodwill and mutual understanding.

Contents :

1. Fundamentals of Public Relations
2. Public Relations (PR) Department and Functions
3. Public Relations as a Profession
4. Public Relations Environment
5. Public Relations and Media
6. Public Relations at Large
7. PR Budgeting and Evaluation
8. PR Training and Development
9. Public Relations and Press Relations
10. Corporate Public Relations
11. PR and Employee Relations
12. Public Relations and Industrial Relations
13. Communications and PR
14. Ethics and Professional Code
15. Advertising
16. Meeting Conference and Techniques


Year of publication







468 (In Grams)

Book Code

Students dollar price


Library Dollar Price





Dr. C.S. Rayudu,

Prof. K.R. Balan


Himalaya pub