It brings us great pleasure to present the book “Pharmacognosy” to the D.Pharm first-year pharmacy students.
This book was developed fully in compliance with the current syllabus set by the Pharmacy Council of India for D.Pharm students. Keeping in mind the needs of students and teachers, this book has been written to cover all of the topics in an easy-to-understand manner within the limits of the prescribed syllabus, and it provides students with the fundamentals of crude and herbal drugs that they will need during their pharmaceutical careers.
Contents –
1. Introduction to Pharmacognosy
2. Classification of Crude Drugs
3. Quality Control of Crude Drugs
4. Brief Outline of Secondary Metabolites
5. Crude Drugs
6. Plant Fibres Uses as Surgical Dressings
7. Basic Principles Involved in the Traditional System of Medicine
8. Role of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
9. Herbs as Health Food
10. Herbal Formulations
11. Herbal Cosmetics
12. Phytochemical Investigation of Drugs