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Fundamentals of Electronics


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This Book “FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS” is mainly written for the B.Sc. & B.Tech. students of all Indian Universities. The beginners will also find it as an equally useful reference Text.

In this text, almost all the topics on Electronics generally taught at the under-graduate level to the students of Physics and Engineering have been discussed. The subject matter has been woven in such a systematic manner that the students / readers may easily understand the basic concepts of the Electronic Circuits. This book will help in designing the Electronic circuits and understanding the working of Electronic Equipments used in the laboratories.

To check the knowledge & understanding of the subject, a large number of concept type of exercises which will help the students in the circuit designing have been placed at the end of each chapter. A large number of questions of the types- true/false, fill in the blanks, self test, self review are given at the end of each chapter. The problems and long answer type of questions based on the subject discussed are also given for practice purposes.

The whole matter has been discussed in ten chapters. The first chapter deals with the theory & functions of p-n junction, Zener and microwave semiconductor diodes. LED & LCD are also discussed in this chapter. The second chapter presents the diode rectifiers, power supplies, voltage regulators, voltage multipliers, clipping & clamper circuits. The bipolar junction transistors along with their configuarations & characteristics are given in chapter third.

The fourth chapter treats the transistor biasing and transistor amplifiers. The power amplifiers are also given a place. The fifth chapter deals with the field effect transistors, their characteristics and use as amplifier. The theory of feedback, the feedback amplifiers and various useful oscillators are given in details in chapter sixth. The chapter seventh consists of the operational amplifiers, their characteristics and applications along with the basic concepts of Integrated Circuits. Communication systems are discussed in chapter eighth. The digital communication has also been discussed in brief in this chapter. The chapter ninth on Switching theory & Logic Designs consists of number systems, Binary arithmetic, logic gates, implementation of logic functions, Canonical forms of Boolean Expressions & Karnaugh maps, The electroic Instruments, commonly required in a good laboratories, such as multimeters, VTVM, digital voltmeter & multimeters, and CRO with its various uses are given in chapter tenth.


Contents :

1. Semi-conductor Diodes
2. Diode Applications
3. Bipolar Junction Transistor Characteristics
4. Transistor Amplifiers
5. Field Effect Transistors
6. Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators
7. Operational Amplifiers
8. Communication Systems
9. Switching Theory & Logic Designs
10. Electronic Instruments
Appendix – A : Standard Value Components


Year of publication







684 (In Grams)

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Dr. D.C. Tayal,

Praveen Tayal


Himalaya pub